Dental crowns and bridges:Procedure,Pros & Cons, How to care for dental bridges and crowns and How long do they last
What are dental crowns and bridges?
Dental crowns and bridges are very common procedures performed in the dental office. Their general purpose is to restore a tooth or teeth back to full chewing function. Crowns and bridges are different in many ways, and because bridges involve the use of crowns, we will describe a single crown first.
A crown, also referred to as a cap, is a dental restoration that covers the entire tooth, replacing its outer layer of enamel with a new material. A crown is contoured and sized similarly to a natural tooth, and they come into contact with the opposite tooth in a normal way, allowing for food to be chewed properly. In general, a crown should feel like a regular tooth when it comes to function. Depending on the material chosen for the crown, it also can look like a perfectly natural tooth.
2. Dental bridges
For patients who have only lost one tooth, our doctors often recommend a dental bridge as the most effective treatment. If more than one tooth is lost, treatment is often preferred by dental implants instead of dental bridges.
A dental bridge is a structure that contains an artificial tooth (or teeth) surrounded by two crowns, all attached to a base made of zirconium. Crowns fit natural teeth, while artificial teeth fill in the space for missing teeth.
What are Crowns and bridges Made From?
Crowns and bridges are made from many different materials, including plastic, various metals, porcelain or zirconium oxide.
We in Taksim Clinic use zirconium which is the best material for dental bridges and crowns. Zirconium is a strong, safe dental Product. It has a translucent appearance and matches with your other teeth. The body does not negatively react to or reject the zirconia bridge, so you do not need to worry about the bridge irritating your mouth.
Why do I need to get a dental crown and bridge?
If you have severely decayed teeth, need teeth extracted or already have missing teeth due to tooth extractions, you probably need a dental crown or a dental bridge from our dentist. If you have damaged teeth or teeth with large fillings, you may be better off with a dental crown to help protect the remaining tooth and add durability for chewing.
What does the crown and bridge process involve?
Both crowns and bridges have a similar protocol in the dental office. After numbing the teeth, he or she will work on, the dentist prepares the tooth (or teeth in the instance of a bridge), removing the outer layer of enamel to make room for the covering material. Then we take either a digital scan or physical mold of the prepared teeth to send for the lab to use as an exact replica of your teeth on which to make the final restoration.
During the lab time, you will wear a temporary crown or bridge made from a plastic material that we hold in place with a temporary cement. Once the final restoration is ready, you will return to our office for its delivery. We confirm the perfect fit of both crowns and bridges with a detailed evaluation including an x-ray. Once confirmed, we will use a permanent cement to attach it to your tooth or teeth. This second visit is much quicker than the first.
In general, both crowns and bridges are a two-visit process, with the temporary phase in between the two visits.
Pros and Cons of Crowns and Bridges
What are the pros of Bridge?
A bridge is a quick way to replace 1-2 missing teeth. It does not require any surgery, and it requires two visits to your dentist. It cost less than implants, also no bone grafting is necessary. Bridges have many advantages over dentures and faster than other options.
What are the cons of Bridge?
Because a bridge connects multiple teeth together, it cannot be cleaned as simply as separate teeth. It is necessary for you to use adjunctive oral hygiene tools to help you get floss underneath the bridge for adequate cleaning.
In short, it takes a little more work to maintain it, keeping it clean and cavity-free.
What are the pros of Crown?
Dental crowns improve your appearance, and can help correct any cosmetic issues in the mouth. There are many benefits to dental crowns, and crowns are commonly used today:
restores the ability to chew completely
Crowns are used to replace large or worn-out fillings in the teeth
Restore dental implants
Restore cracked, injured, or damaged teeth
Correct discoloration or alignment
Reshape your teeth
Keep cracked or damaged teeth from breaking down further
Protect the underlying tooth after a root canal
Crowns are durable and last for years
What are the cons of Crown?
There are also some risks that come with crowns:
Crowns may become chipped, especially the ones that are made of porcelain.
A crown that doesn't fit correctly over your tooth can lead to tooth decay, if the cement that attaches the crown to your tooth washes away and bacteria invade the space between the crown and your tooth.
Sometimes crowns can fall out, either because the cement has washed away over time or because the crown does not fit correctly and is too loose. In these cases, you should put the crown in a plastic bag and see your dentist. In most cases, your dentist will probably suggest making a new crown instead of re-using an old or poorly fitting crown.
How do I care for my dental bridge and crowns?
Dental hygiene is an essential factor in your bridges and crowns long-term success. Take motivation from the fact that bridges and crowns can last over ten years with proper care.
It's vital to care also help the teeth your bridge and crown is attached to remain healthy and strong. Decay and damage to these supporting teeth could lead to complications.
Here are some simple tips when caring for your bridge and crown:
• Brush twice daily for two minutes with a soft-bristled toothbrush and floss once daily
• Floss once daily and consider getting a proxabrush to clean effectively under your bridge.
• Use fluoride toothpaste and antiseptic mouth rinse
• fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber
• Schedule regular visits with your dentist and dental hygienist
Things to avoid when you have a bridge:
Hard and sticky items like caramel.
Excessive intake of sugary or acidic food and drinks
Smoking and tobacco products
How long do crowns and bridges last?
Depending on the type of dental material used, the average lifespan of a crown is around 10-15 years. However, with proper care, good dental hygiene habits, and regular dental check-ups, some crowns may last for decades.
Dental Crowns Cost in Turkey:
The prices of dental crowns in Turkey vary according to the material used and the quality of provided service, and start from 125 dollars per tooth.
Dental crowns and bridges:
Procedure,Pros & Cons, How to care for dental bridges and crowns and How long do they last
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